What is a Doula?!
Doulas (also called childbirth assistants) are specially trained to provide support during labor and delivery and those first days of your baby’s new life. A doula also serves as a go-between for the doctor, nurses, and you and your mate. Think of her as a knowledgeable companion who can offer physical support, emotional support, advocacy, and some smiles throughout the birth process. Experienced doulas know all about positioning, soothing touch and other comfort measures to ease physical and emotional discomforts. We will not make decisions for our clients nor project our own values and goals onto the laboring parent.

Do I Need You?
- Do you know the appropriate time to go to the hospital depending on your birth plan and contraction patterns/labor signs?
- Do you know how you manage stressful situations? What about your partner or mom/sister/friend?
- Is your support team familiar with different comfort measures and coping techniques if you choose a non-medicated birth? What about if you decide to use an epidural?
- Will you have enough energy/wherewithal to remember important details or ask appropriate questions about care? Will your partner have relief if your labor is long?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you may want to consider contacting us to further discuss your support needs.
Where’s the Receipts/Evidence?!
In 2017, Bohren et al. published an updated Cochrane review on the use of continuous support for women during childbirth by doulas. The results found:
When continuous labor support was provided by a doula, women experienced a:
- 31% decrease in the use of Pitocin
- 28% decrease in the risk of Cesarean
- 12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth
- 9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief
- 14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery
- 34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience
Current Birth Doula Packages:
Heir Package: $2,000
Adorn Package: $2,600
All of our doula packages include the following services:
- 1 prenatal/postpartum nutrition consult
- 1 prenatal lactation consult that includes a personalized plan with suggestions
- 1 comfort measures class
- On call support for 1 month before baby's birthday until week 3 postpartum
- Continuous labor and birth support in person or virtually for virtual clients
- Help initiating breastfeeding and bonding 1 hour after delivery
- 1 postpartum follow up that will help you process your birth, and check in on all family members
Please contact us for options of package customization. We do offer sliding scale, payment plans and discounts as applicable.
As a gift to our clients and our community, we partner with other health and wellness professionals, event planners, photographers etc. Please feel free to contact us for a list of trusted contacts to help meet your needs during this beautiful process of your life.